Technical Committee

In August 2015, through Sinotech Polyard Petroleum Exploration & Development Research Institute and a number of overseas experts, the Company established the new Science and Technology Committee of Polyard Petroleum International Group Limited (“PPIG”). Science and Technology Committee is the most authoritative academic and technological organization, as well as the highest academic and technological institution of the Company in the areas of oil and gas exploration and development, management, construction, planning and operation. The Company's main technical leaders and experts will act within the framework of the Company’s Science and Technology Committee in expectation, through the Group’s strong technical talents team and the comprehensive resources advantages, to enhance the Company’s risk management and control capability in exploration and development, and to co-ordinate the exploration and development of all mining projects, so as to lead the Company to become an internationally competitive multinational Group.

Zhao Yingcheng, Group Chief Geologist and Dean of Sinotech Research Institute will assume the role of Chairman of Science and Technology Committee while Vladimir S. Gerchikov, Group Vice President, Liu Dalin, Group Chief Engineer and Zhang Xia, Vice Dean of Sinotech Research Institute will be the Vice-Chairpersons of the Committee.

The Committee members are composed of a number of experts who possess abundant experience in geological exploration, drilling, development, and management.

The committee is responsible for:
1. Reviewing PPIG's development planning and conducting technical assessment of the Company’s management objectives and development direction; reviewing the technical aspects of the Company's annual plan and making recommendations on the technical team building and personnel training.
2. Examining the Group’s technical work plan, organizing consulting and justification for the company's technical activities, and giving comments.
3. Providing advices on the technical personnel training, promotion and work assessment.
4. Verifying and approving new technologies and new projects.
5. Improving technical work quality standards and project quality in accordance with industry standards.
6. Reviewing the Company’s annual important scientific and technological achievements and making recommendations with regard to commendation and rewards.
7. Conducting other business-related technical reviews or consulting commissioned by senior management.


By closely integrated with the key technologies in international exploration market and the Group’s demand for new business growth, Science and Technology Committee should continuously research and develop new technologies, new software and new equipment to form its own intellectual property in core technologies and leading products. Through the joint efforts of Science and Technology Committee’s management and the overseas experts, it is hoped to increase the Company’s technical competitiveness in the international market.

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